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Fiory charger weather station
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- B
- I
Print Color:
- Rectangle
- Circle
- Ellipse
- Triangle
- Line
- Polyline
- Free draw
Shape Color:
439396 Fiory charger weather station
Bamboo weather station with phone holder and built-in wireless fast charger (10W). Functions: alarm clock, temperature and humidity. Including button cell battery and USB charger cable.
Print type and position
EngravedFront Bottom: 100(w) x 30(h)
Front Top: 100(w) x 30(h)
PadFront Bottom: 100(w) x 30(h)
Front Top: 100(w) x 30(h)
All dimensions are in millimetres
180mm(w) x 170mm(h) x 23mm(d)